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What if you could FINALLY know the ROI of your marketing campaigns?

Reporting out to your team, or your clients, on the successes and failures of a marketing campaign is nerve-wracking.

How do we best explain what’s working?

More importantly, how do we address what isn’t working?

How do we explain what we’ve learned and the strategy going forward without looking incompetent?

Truth is, whether you’re working with clients or on an internal marketing team, the ability to visualize the value of your marketing campaigns is the biggest thing between you and that next promotion or contract renewal.

If you want to bridge that gap, renew more marketing clients or get that next promotion, you can’t afford to miss these marketing campaign analysis report templates.

What you get:

  • Marketing campaign analysis report template
  • 30-60-90 day marketing campaign template
  • 5 year marketing campaign template

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8 Crucial Parts of every effective marketing campaign analysis

1. Executive summary

This is a formal statement summarizing your strategy, including: 

  • Your marketing campaign goals
  • The strategies you’ll use to achieve them
  • The time period you expect to achieve them in
  • The scope of your plans

2. Goals, outcomes, and revenue targets

This section sets out the goals, outcomes and revenue goals for your marketing campaign directly tying them to overall business goals (such as optimizing customer lifetime value through remarketing programs). 

Additionally, you classify the revenue that you’ll generate from your marketing campaign based on differing regions and business categories.

Within the sample marketing campaign analysis report template above, you’ll find a table to present these goals both with current and future projected numbers.

3. Review of prior period performance

Recap the prior period’s performance. Identify mistakes and actions that led to a positive outcome.

Your goal in this section is to identify strategies and tactics that worked effectively and seek to replicate/scale that success in the future.

4. Market conditions

This section provides a summary of market trends in your industry that have a high likelihood of influencing marketing performance. You may also chart out the degree to which you believe they impacted the current/previous campaign and why.

5. Strategies and tactics

In this section, you’ll list out the specific techniques, sequences, and playbooks you used (and plan to use) to achieve the goals and outcomes listed above.

6. Action Plan

For each goal listed previously (i.e., new customer acquisition, marketing channel growth, etc.), set specific strategies and supporting tactics designed to achieve that one specific goal. 

You may choose to assign tasks, activities, and responsibilities to different teams and individuals who will own that. 

7. Performance benchmarks and monitoring

Here, you’ll lay out the performance benchmarks and metrics to properly analyze your marketing campaign for the report. Additionally, you may define the processes that will help track these metrics.

You’d be best served to list them out individually and link out to other resources where appropriate. Provide descriptions for how these metrics will be generated, measured and stored. Also include how often the overall report will be reviewed to determine progress and pivot where necessary.

8. Marketing campaign milestones

Setting campaign milestones will help track progress throughout the length of the campaign. Especially valuable for longer-term marketing campaigns, milestones help communicate the value of the work as well as setting appropriate expectations with clients and marketing leadership.

Get a sample marketing campaign analysis report template

Presenting the successes and failures of your marketing campaigns is risky. Do it wrong, and it may cost you a client relationship or your next promotion.

Make sure you’re effectively visualizing the value of your marketing with these marketing campaign analysis report templates.

Ready to get started?

Start a 14-day free trial of ActiveCampaign. No credit card, no setup, no hassle.