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Lead Scoring

Where are your most qualified leads?

example of ActiveCampaign lead scoring

Do you know your contacts’ magic number?

What is a lead score? It’s a simple number that goes up or down based on how contacts interact with your business. Do they visit your site? Open an email? Submit a form? Add to their lead score, so you can see how engaged each contact is at a glance.


How Sneleentaxi used lead scoring and site tracking to crowdfund its platform

Using ActiveCampaign's site tracking, they were able to easily identify prospective investors. "We could see who was clicking on emails, who was spending time on our website on specific pages, and then giving those visitors a certain lead score."


Subscribers and growing


Year over year growth

Learn more 

Find your most qualified leads

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant setup.

task creation in ActiveCampaign CRM icon

Tell your team about the hottest leads

Get notified when leads are heating up. Automatically trigger email notifications and assign tasks based on lead score changes, so you can always follow up with the deals most likely to close.

Start automations for your most interested contacts

When a contact hits a certain score, start an automation. Automatically send your most engaged contacts the information they need, then make an offer that’s a no-brainer.

example of a qualified lead in ActiveCampaign

Assign scores to individual contacts or overall deals

Score your individual contacts based on their actions and interest. Or attach a score to an overall deal, so you know how likely the deal is to close—even if your primary contact changes.

Set up scores for everything you offer

What if you offer multiple products? Or different services? You can set up multiple lead scores, so that you can track interest for each of your offerings individually.

Adjust a score based on anything

Do you care about email opens, or form submissions? Site visits, or email replies? We let you adjust lead scores based on almost any action, so you can choose the lead scoring rules that make sense for your business.

Here are a few ways you can adjust scores:
  • Opens an email
  • Visits your pricing page
  • Achieves a goal
  • Clicks a link in an email
  • Purchases a product
  • Schedules a meeting
  • Replies to your email
  • Completes an automation
  • Downloads a lead magnet
  • Visits a product page
  • Abandons a cart
  • Registers for a webinar

Try it out for your business

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant setup.