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Overview Ecommerce Integrations Solutions and Capabilities Resources


Grow your online store, get more customers, and save time doing it

Generate new business, build brand loyalists, and automate revenue-driving activities. Access the marketing tools you need to grow your ecommerce business.

Integrate with your favorite Apps

Customer Experience Automation

Grow your ecommerce business with ActiveCampaign

Create better communications based on past browsing and shopping behavior and engage like you have a personal marketer for everyone in your database. Whether you’re selling goods or services in your own online shop or on a marketplace platform or a combination of both - ActiveCampaign’s got you covered.

Reach and engage customers across the customer lifecycle

Go beyond the initial sale and drive brand loyalty. Get the tools you need to grow one-time purchasers into brand loyalist through the entire customer journey in a matter of minutes.

  • Find the right prospects to grow your audience and online store
  • Capture customers attention with messages that match their preferences
  • Retain customers and inspire brand loyalists and advocates

Seamlessly connect to your customers across all channels

Deliver a consistent and connected experience across email, text, messaging, chat, and social.

Save time while driving growth

Automate your sales process to allow sales to focus energy on the deals most important to their pipeline. Get access to a library of:

Connect to your favorite apps

Integrate with your favorite apps to build the most flexible and connected stack to grow your ecommerce business

Better engage your shoppers across their purchase journey by connecting Shopify.

Understand how every customer has interacted with your business and automate relevant follow-up experiences.

Acquire new customers and engage the ones you have like never before.

Automatically send your store data to ActiveCampaign and maximize your marketing impact.

With over 870+ apps, you can connect with the tools that fit your business.

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Built for the way you do business now and here to support you as you grow in the future

CRM & Sales Automation

Track your new customers and order fulfillment automatically, keep consistent customer data records, and make sure your sales teams have more insights to drive 1:1 follow-up communications.

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Marketing Automation

Automatically target the right prospects and manage the marketing no one else has 
time for.

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Email Marketing

Use targeted, triggered emails to create automated timely follow up, promote new offers, and stay engaged and connected to your customers.

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Service & Support

Connect email, live chat, and text interactions so you are able to track any opportunities for follow-up, promotions, and proper order updates.

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#1 Automation Platform

Customer Experience Automation across all areas of your business

CXA for Sales

Sales automation keeps your team on the same page so nothing slips through the cracks.

CXA for Marketing

Deliver connected experiences across channels.

CXA for Service

Anticipate customer needs and improve every interaction.

Laboratoire Hollis

ActiveCampaign lets me engage every single customer like I’m personally reaching out. With all my customer data in one place, I can use it to automate personalized content and recommendations that address each customer’s needs and inspire their loyalty.

Mathilde Scheuer

Co-Founder Laboratoire Hollis

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Morrow Audio

I wanted a high-deliverability rate. We compared platforms, and ActiveCampaign had the best deliverability. I liked the idea of automations. I like how easy it is to keep our database clean. I like the whole ActiveCampaign approach.

Mike Morrow

CEO/President/Founder, Morrow Audio

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Made for Freedom

It’s really been incredible to see how I can use the pieces to bring people along these different paths of communication so that they can be part of something bigger, even if they’re just volunteering a couple of hours a week.

Dawn Manske

Founder/CEO, Made for Freedom

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Party Headphones

It's very helpful to be able to drill down to an individual client and watch their exact path... And that's where we felt ActiveCampaign had the strongest capability.”

Alec Mitchell

Party Headphones

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get the critical capabilities for growth

Everything you need to create unique and scalable customer experiences

Drive sales from your storefront or website

Use web personalization to show each site visitor content that is right for them and drive engagement and sales directly from your website.

Acquire more customers

Set up welcome emails and automation workflows to reach more potential customers with high-quality marketing and messaging.

Engage shoppers

Use automations to upsell and cross-sell to shoppers once they have purchased. Ask for a review, offer a promotion, or alert of an abandoned cart.

Track order fulfillment automatically

Manage your order fulfillment behind the scenes. Use the CRM to create deal records to move shipments between stages and create tasks.

Sell more

Build relationships and brand loyalty by sending customers relevant and timely messages about products they actually want.

Target different customers

Segment customers by order value, total dollar value of purchase, number of orders, items purchased, cart abandonment or time of last purchase to get better conversion rates, retail more customers, and higher sales volume.

Connect with your customers instantly

Use chat and chatbots directly on your website to speak to customers in real-time with live or automated messages all while linking back to contact records for a seamless conversations and updates.

Capture leads & email addresses

Collect customer details with custom forms to get the information you need from your customers, then trigger welcome series, add them to distribution lists and tailor your communications.

Find the right plan for your ecommerce business

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Explore what is possible

ActiveCampaign gives you the tools you need to be successful today and in the future

ecommerce Recipes

Abandoned Cart

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ecommerce Recipes

Welcome Series

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ecommerce Recipes

First Time Buyer: Upsell

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Growth blog

5 Winback email campaigns that will get customers back

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Growth blog

Send messages at the perfect moment with predictive sending

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Growth blog

7 welcome email examples

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Free tools

Abandon checkout email examples

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Free tools

eCommerce budget template

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Email automation starter pack

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