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Why activecampaign

180,000+ businesses use ActiveCampaign to win customers’ hearts and minds

Our customers come in every shape and size. Small, medium and enterprise. In every industry. B2C and B2B. 180K+ businesses in 170 countries. They’re winning because they use ActiveCampaign to deepen relationships with customers at every touch point.

How Thinkific Helps People and Businesses Make Online Courses

How MSI Uses Salesforce and ActiveCampaign to Inspire 350,000 Guests

How Morrow Audio Won Back $30,000 of Lost Sales With Abandoned Cart Emails

New customers tell us

They’re focused on growth through better CX

It’s not about more opens and clicks, it’s about more customers and sales

You aren’t evaluating ActiveCampaign because you want to make “vanity metrics” look good. It comes down to what ActiveCampaign can do for your business. ActiveCampaign is ranked #1 by G2 in Marketing Automation and ranked #1 by TrustRadius in Email Marketing because we help you attract more customers, keep more customers, and grow your revenue.

I need to keep my reps focused on high value work, not minutia

Your sales reps and support agents are critical to acquiring and retaining customers. As you ramp up your outreach, they’ll be stretched thin, and you could face rising costs. Why? Because more and more of their day will be spent on the minor operational details of moving leads through the funnel and appending data to each contact. It’s time to let machines do what they do best, and let humans do what they do best. Use ActiveCampaign to automate customer interactions behind the scenes and give your team intuitive tools to help customers. You'll increase efficiency, and you’ll keep reps focused on the most qualified leads and the highest-value customer conversations.

My entire team is involved in improving the customer experience

Shaping your customer experience isn’t just a marketing thing, a sales thing or a support thing — it’s an everyone thing. You need a platform that enables all the functions in your organization to collaborate, with a single holistic view of the customer. ActiveCampaign is the first and leading Customer Experience Automation (CXA) platform, spanning email marketing automation, sales automation, CRM and support tools, with the ability to easily connect with other applications your team uses. Don’t settle for less than empowering everyone in your company to help create a truly remarkable customer experience.

These businesses are winning with ActiveCampaign

“Ever since implementing ActiveCampaign we've been able to reduce our cost to acquire per email quite significantly... The way we've been able to get our cost per acquisition down with ActiveCampaign is simply just how efficient their automation sequences are.”
Read more of Koia’s story
With ActiveCampaign, I no longer have to worry about who I need to email or follow up with. Having them already in the automations provides a different level of communication to my clients.
Read more of Uplift’s story
It was important for us to implement a CRM that’s simple to use, but at the same time is very powerful and capable, because we’re not just changing the mentality of our salespeople. We’re changing how you sell new and pre-owned cars. ActiveCampaign has helped us make that leap — and the results speak for themselves.”
Read more of Dalton Auto’s story
“We wanted a platform we could go into for reporting and dig deeper. With ActiveCampaign, we can go in and look to see how many new users we are getting a month, what trends we are seeing, and the lifecycle of a user over time. This helps us be smarter with our emails and make changes if need be.”
Read more of Whole30’s story

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New customers tell us

They need powerful, flexible, easy-to-use tools

My customers don’t want to see the same messages everyone else does

Customers want you to talk to them as individuals. It makes business sense to do so. McKinsey & Company studies show that personalization reduces acquisition costs as much as 50%, lifts revenues by 5-15%, and increases the efficiency of marketing spend by 10-30%. ActiveCampaign goes way beyond “Dear [first_name]” and lets you use dynamic content to personalize text and images based on the way a customer browses and buys. And we’re innovating with machine learning, bringing you predictive sending and predictive content to automatically send the right message to the right person at the right time. ActiveCampaign lets you bring your customer data into one central place, and stay closely connected with customers as you grow.

Machine Learning

It’s important to be able to reach my customers wherever they are

Your audience dwells in many digital places — not just their inbox. ActiveCampaign makes it easy to reach them across many channels, without data silos in each channel.


Create beautiful emails, finely segment them based on customer attributes and engagement patterns, and deploy them in automations or single sends.

SMS Text Messaging

Incorporate SMS into your strategy to see your conversions soar.


Follow up with your contacts when you’re on Facebook.

Site Messaging

Engage prospects with site messaging at the perfect moment while they’re on your landing page.

It’s key to be able to plug in the other applications we use every day

Your workflow is unique to your business, and you already use several best-of-breed applications. But our competitors take an all-in-one, best-of-none approach, and make it hard for you to connect your favorite apps. Their inflexibility could lead to disjointed workflows and data silos in your business. ActiveCampaign is different. Our flexible platform offers 870+ integrations used by over 70% of our customers. It’s dead simple to connect applications like Shopify, Salesforce, Typeform, Google Sheets and more, and to deeply weave them into the automations you create — no coding required.

View 870+ integrations

I don’t just want pretty charts - I want insights I can take action with

We’ve all seen analytics that are interesting, but not actionable. With ActiveCampaign, you can turn insights into actions and systematically improve performance.

Conversion Attribution

View customer paths from first message all the way to purchase, and better allocate your marketing investments.

Split Tests and Split Actions

Compare how customers engage with different message variations, and optimize accordingly.


Track “micro-conversions” within the steps of your automations.

Mobile App

Get real-time insights wherever you go.

I know the importance of automation, but I’m not an automation expert

ActiveCampaign has every advanced automation capability you can think of, and you can customize your automations as much as you want. But you don’t have to be an automation pro to find quick success. Just use our automation recipes: 500+ free pre-built automations like Abandoned Cart Reminder, Shopify Email Reminder to Repurchase, and Notify When A Sales Deal Has Not Closed. Recipes let you set up powerful automations in a few clicks, and you can easily make changes to suit your needs.

Get started with 500+ automation recipes

Learning Videos

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How automations work in ActiveCampaign

Learn how automations work and get started building your first automation in this quick video excerpt.



3 Steps To Building Your First Automation

A simple but very effective automation that should open your mind to the exciting world of automation.



Plug N Play Automations

In this webinar, Meg discusses automations that you can use and reuse to help power your business.

Top-performing G2 leader in every category

New customers tell us

Tools aren’t enough - they need a partner for growth

To build a great customer experience, I need a partner, not just software

No one else in the industry shows the level of dedication to our customers’ success that we do. Book a free 1:1 strategy session with one of our Customer Success experts, and they will teach you how to set up any automation you envision. Our Education team regularly holds in-depth training webinars to help you become an ActiveCampaign pro. Our online education center offers quick tips and deep-dive video tutorials. Our Support specialists are ready to assist with any challenge that comes your way. Since our founding in 2003, we’ve been obsessed with helping customers to grow their business.

I need transparent pricing with no gotchas in the fine print

We’ve heard horror stories from businesses who have come from other platforms. They’ve been forced to buy features they don’t need in order to gain access to those they do. They’ve contended with confusing UIs, and when they’ve asked for help, they’ve been told that they have to pay extra for training and support. They’ve been hit with big price increases only weeks after first purchase. There are no nasty surprises when you join the ActiveCampaign community. When it comes to our pricing, what you see is what you get. Our first-in-the-industry Customer Success Commitment spells out our promise to you — for example, you’ll get a 2-year price lock, full ability to switch plans up and down, and enterprise-grade security and reliability.

I can’t spend a lot of time and energy switching between platforms

You’ll be amazed at how quick and easy it is to switch to ActiveCampaign. Our free Migration & Implementation Services will save you up to 6 weeks of work, and you won't lose anything you previously created in your old platform. Our Customer Success experts will help you import your lists, contacts, custom fields and tags. We'll also recreate your automation workflows, your email templates and your opt-in forms. We are the only provider in our industry who offers these platform transition services for free to businesses large and small.

Webinars and events

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