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302 Redirect


A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect from one page of a website to another page of a website. Unlike a 301 redirect, which is permanent, a 302 redirect signals to search engines that the webmaster intends to revisit the redirected page. This is an indicator that search engines should continue to index the redirected page (although it is not a guarantee that they will do so).

302 redirects are relatively uncommon. A 302 redirect is used when a webmaster intends to revise or recreate the page at an existing URL. Most often, this occurs during the migration from one CMS (content management system) to another, or a website redesign.

How do I create a 302 redirect?

With most hosting providers, and content management systems (CMSs), you can set a redirect using a plugin or directly in your hosting.

If you're using cPanel, you can create a 302 redirect by:

  • Clicking on Domains
  • Click on Redirects
  • Slect the type of redirect you'd like to create (in this case, a 302 redirect)
  • Fill in the URL you'd like to redirect from and the new location of that URL (page).

How does a 302 redirect work?

A 302 redirect still functions to send a user to a new page so they don't see a broken link, 404 error page, or error page.

But, unlike a 301 redirect, a 302 redirect does not pass SEO equity to the new page.

Which is better 301 or 302 redirect?

Each is better for a different purpose. To tell Google that you're permanently redirecting to a new page (impacting SEO rankings), a 301 redirect is necessary. A 302 redirect should be used in the change is temporary.

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