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GDPR Information

The General Data Protection Regulation took effect on May 25, 2018. Here’s what you need to know.

Disclaimer: The contents of this web page do not constitute legal advice. This page is for informational purposes only, and we strongly encourage you to seek independent legal counsel to understand how your organization needs to comply with the GDPR.

What ActiveCampaign did to prepare

GDPR took effect May 25, 2018, and ActiveCampaign has made a number of updates to better align with the applicable requirements under the regulation.

We implemented both product and non-product-related updates for the GDPR. Below is the list of relevant updates we made:

Product Updates

  • (Completed) Improved site tracking to complement your website’s compliance needs.
  • (Completed) Updated our WordPress plugin with GDPR site tracking code.
  • (Completed) Integrated the 'Accepts Marketing' field from Shopify and BigCommerce to help you better manage marketing consent.
  • (Completed) Revised cookies and relevant notice and consent functionality for via site updates.
  • (Completed) Improved contact deletion capabilities to comply with right to be forgotten requests.

Non-Product Updates

Note: In accordance with GDPR, as our customer, you can exercise your data subject rights through this form.

While the purpose of these updates is to help our customers better understand how they can use ActiveCampaign to align their practices - 2 - with GDPR requirements compliant without sacrificing usability of the platform, we suggest that customers consult an attorney if they have any questions about how the GDPR will impact their business.

Going forward, we will develop the product with the GDPR in mind—this means an emphasis on flexibility in regards to data. We will announce GDPR-related changes on a rolling basis, so check back here or on the GDPR Overview tab for updates.