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Email templates

Abandoned cart email templates that win back customers

The bad news: Over 75% of people abandon shopping carts online.

The good news: These abandoned cart email templates have an average open rate of 45%.

You do the math and these email templates will do the rest. Start your trial today for access to all templates.

Abandoned Cart & Reengagement

Abandoned cart email templates to avoid lost sales

Start recovering abandoned carts today with the selection of abandoned cart email templates. Each template is fully responsive and able to be customized for your brand, company, and audience.

Email marketing made simple

Email templates that work for your business

You send more than abandoned cart emails, right? You should have access to beautiful, customizable email templates for every message you send. Email templates range from text-based to rich text to full HTML design, and you can use them for any part of your business: newsletters, events, holiday, customer service, and abandoned cart / reengagement email templates.

Emails your customers will be glad they opened

With 250+ beautiful templates to choose from, you’ll delight your customers with meaningful engagement

Automations send the right email at the right time

With 600+ automation recipes, ensure that you’re sending the right email at the right time.

Your brand is unique, your emails should be too

Use our templates as a starting point and add your voice in our easy to use drag and drop builder.

Stand out in every inbox

Abandoned cart emails are just the start of email marketing for your ecommerce business.

Responsive email templates that are already coded and QA’d mean you don’t have to spend time worrying if that perfectly crafted email, quick update, or newsletter looks the way you wanted it to. We’ve done the heavy lifting so you don’t have to — ensuring all email templates are rendered for all devices and inboxes.

Learn more about Email Marketing