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Marketing Team

Meet our Marketing Team

This team loves lifecycles, funnels, the ActiveCampaign community, and a good old-fashioned happy hour. The Marketing team is passionate about our customers and focused on continually providing value to them and their business through our 800+ automation recipes, our Growth Decoded webinar series, and the AC Blog.

How we work

Make the customer a hero

The guiding light on the marketing team is to make our customers the hero. We highlight, celebrate, and educate our customers in everything we do—whether it be promoting a new customer story, gathering feedback from our Community to drive internal decisions, or inviting a customer to speak to the team.

Raise the roof

Full of gratitude and praise for co-workers, you can often find this team pumping its arms in the air in celebration of each other and jobs well done. For Marketing at AC, a win for one is a win for all - we’re raising the roof for new hires, project launches, new skills learned, and lending a hand to a fellow team member.

Create WOW

It’s Marketing’s job to tell the story of ActiveCampaign across all customer touchpoints. Whether the team is building a lead nurture funnel, creating a video about living our company values, or building a product launch plan, Marketing loves to create that ‘oh, WOW’ moment for everyone that crosses their path.

Ready to join our team?

See our open positions