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Customer Love Enhancements — Week of March 15th

March 15, 2021

Channels Campaigns Tools & Templates Customer Love

Celebrating your vision by bringing you top customer requests, UI updates, navigation enhancements, and performance improvements of your most-loved tools. This week’s Customer Love updates include:

Design and UX enhancements

  • Better logs tab functionality lets you save time when reviewing event data. If you have a high volume of events through CX Apps you’ll be able to consistently view your logs.
  • Conversations has been updated for a better user experience. Design improvements to the Conversations chatbot help deliver a top-tier user experience and give you a consistent experience across the platform.
  • A better way to find your favorite email templates. Look for a more intuitive experience when browsing the templates library, with more template-type groupings and easier access to your designed templates.
  • A clearer way to manage your contacts. The Manage Tags tab has been redesigned to improve your experience. A fresh layout and toolbar lets you quickly review and manage all your tags so you can keep your contacts organized.

Performance improvements

Collect data on a wide variety of contact behavior with event tracking
When viewing your ActiveCampaign Recent Activity, event tracking has been better synced so you always know if you’ve captured new event data.

Use Conversations chatbots to better track contacts — even on whitelisted websites
Keep track of important touchpoints with updates to the Conversations chatbot that enable site tracking on whitelisted websites after a chatbot form submission.

Easily create or edit emails with special characters
You can now update an email address if it contains one of the following characters: ! # $ % / \ ? ^ ` { | } ~ .

Use custom code to build the perfect landing pages experience
Trust your Pages code is correct with a Toast notification that lets you know if a javascript added to an embed block will interact with uploading images — and be advised of another path that will not cause the same errors.

Improved asset management when organizing content for landing pages
Pages has improved with better folder renaming functionality for a better user experience.

Improvements to secure your landing pages folders
You can be sure your Pages content is secure with an alert that stops you if you accidentally try to change the name of an existing folder to one used by another folder.

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