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Customer Love: UI Improvements

February 01, 2021

These are usability improvements, some of which were specifically requested by customers and some to improve overall performance.

  • Automations Builder: when mousing over a send email block, the thumbnail image of the email can now be clicked to take the user directly to the email editor.
  • Automation Builder Manage Messages section: clicking any email name opens the email editor/designer with that email selected
  • If/Else block title: If the customer has defined multiple segment groups, all conditions for all groups are displayed. This time-saver eliminates the need to click on the block and scroll through the conditions to see your current configuration.
  • Automation homepage: Thumbnail now appears in all instances.
  • Automations Builder: Wait Until blocks have been improved to provide a more consistent automation experience and allow customers to send the right messages at the right time.