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Improve your CRM deal tracking with the new Deal Task Overview Report

June 22, 2021

Tools & Templates Insights & Analytics

CRM deal users will see the new Deal Task Overview Report - a feature that gives you access to breakdown metrics on different task elements. This new report offers a quick glance of CRM-related tasks and outcomes along with the ability to drill deeper for more information. What this means for users is access to details on task items such as status, type, outcomes, sentiment as well as more focused tables grouped by Rep.

With the addition of several new filters, users can segment this report as needed to view:

  • Top key performance indicators
  • A time series to monitor trends

You can also measure the tasks of your Sales Managers or Reps at a high and detailed level in the Task Metrics Report. This feature is available to customers on Plus, Pro, Enterprise, and Trial plans.

Learn more about the Deal Task Overview Report