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Sales CRM with Automation

Keep track of leads in a CRM, not in your head

A sales CRM with automation stops tasks from piling up on your desk. Automate lead prioritization and contact management so you have time to sell.

A deal card moves from the

How can sales automation help you sell more in less time?

Sometimes mundane, manual tasks eat at your calendar. Other times contacts slip out of your funnel. When you can automate contact management, score leads, monitor deals and pipeline, and track tasks, the time sinks disappear. A sales automation CRM keeps your entire sales process moving smoothly.

ActiveCampaign automations icon
sales automation workflow example in ActiveCampaign CRM

Smart Gets Paid

How Smart Gets Paid uses ActiveCampaign to fulfill a mission

One of the things I tell people is that everybody needs a CRM... but it goes beyond simply CRM. It really comes down to asking yourself what type of business you want to be in the future, not the business you are right now... that's why I chose ActiveCampaign.


Increase in number of contacts


Less time on administrative tasks

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Automate your CRM today

Start a free trial of ActiveCampaign and try CRM automation for yourself, no credit card required. Trusted by over 145,000 customers in 170 countries.

No more digging through emails, business cards, and clunky CRMs

Instead of chasing down phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, or past activity, manage your contacts in a central platform. Automatically update contact details and view a lead’s history from the contact record. Or get a view of your entire sales pipeline.

follow up notes for contacts in ActiveCampaign CRM

Contact management makes sure no sales contacts slip through the cracks

Automated contact management lets you see your whole sales process at a glance. When you can automate task assignment and sales routing, your sales team is always on the same page. Track interaction at every stage of the sales cycle, and pick up where anyone else left off.

lead scoring icon for ActiveCampaign

Lead scoring tells you which leads to focus on and when to wait

Which leads are the highest priority? Who is most likely to become a customer? When should a marketing qualified lead become a sales qualified lead? Instead of guessing lead quality, let lead scoring, win probability, and automated segmentation tell you the right time for phone calls and outreach emails.

ActiveCampaign email integration icon

Connect with Gmail, Outlook, or another email provider

Forget tab switching. Get the Chrome extension to manage contacts from any web page and create deals directly from your Gmail account. Track email opens and replies, and keep contact information in front of you when you need it.

Connect the customer experience across sales and marketing for a smarter CRM

Remove the silos between sales and marketing and unify your CRM. Sales engagement automation feeds your CRM the most up-to-date customer data, so sales teams can focus their time on the most qualified leads and the highest-value customer conversations.

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Close deals on the go with Deals CRM for iOS

Check contact information, create and manage tasks, make calls, and update deals while in the field. All the information you need is always in your pocket.

ActiveCampaign customer contact on iOS CRM ActiveCampaign iOS interface for CRM

Integrate your CRM with the sales tools you already use

You should be able to use the sales software that makes sense for your business. That’s why we integrate with 850+ different apps, including landing page builders like Unbounce, help desk software like Zendesk, and scheduling tools like Calendly.

What is a sales CRM with automation?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. When you add sales and marketing automation to your CRM software, you can automate sales and always have the CRM tools you need to sell. These are some of the tools you can use to manage welcome emails and lead generation, automate task and lead assignment, schedule calls, and sell more.

Sales reporting

Track the performance of individual members of your team and your sales funnel.

Win probability

See how likely you are to close each deal, so you can focus your time where it makes a difference.

Marketing automation

Automate your sales funnel. Create nurture campaigns for the deals that aren’t quite ready to close.


Make sure you know who you’re talking to. Automatically segment your leads based on the actions they take.

Lead scoring

Find leads most engaged with your business and content. Add scores to overall deals and individual contacts.

Notification emails

Notify your sales team when it’s time to follow up. Add notifications from within sales automations and nurture campaigns.

Automated deal updates

Automatically update deal owners, deal stage, deals won or lost, and deal value.

Task assignment

Assign tasks to individual sales people, either manually or within automations.

Note creation

Take notes directly within each deal and contact record, so that your whole sales team is on the same page.

Add sales automation to your business

Start a free trial of ActiveCampaign and try CRM automation for yourself, no credit card required. Trusted by over 145,000 customers in 170 countries.

Dependable & predictable

“Before ActiveCampaign things slipped through the cracks with both client account management and prospects. Now we have dependable and predictable systems to prevent that from happening.”

— Mark B., 5-star G2 Crowd review