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Customer Love Enhancements — Week of June 7th

June 07, 2021

 Customer Idea Automations Channels Tools & Templates Customer Love

This week’s top customer requests, UI upgrades, navigation enhancements, and performance improvements include: link tracking, Pages, and SMS settings.

Updated link tracking to maintain a consistent experience
We’ve corrected an issue where certain web links were not encoding values or adding values properly, sometimes leading to broken redirection paths and leading web visitors to the incorrect URL. If you use link tracking, your links will now work as expected.

Create a home/index page at the root domain to increase customer engagement
Users can create a home page (or index page) at the root of the domain. As consumers search for products or services online, the new root domain page can lead to an increase in website traffic and attract new customers. Users can build an entire website with our Landing Pages feature and verify their domain on Facebook.

Enhance your SMS communication with new Opt-Out settings
Users can adjust the frequency of when Opt-Out language is added to outgoing SMS messages. This setting lets this language be delivered occasionally to customers, allowing the users an additional opportunity to communicate with customers before displaying the opt-out language.

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