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Show each visitor the content that’s right for them

Web personalization creates the ideal experience for every website visitor. From the first visit to the 100th, you can give each person what they want — so that they buy more, leave more reviews, and refer more people to your business.

Target Audience

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Personalize your web presence

Start a 14-day free trial. No credit card required. Instant set-up.

A powerful, easy-to-use solution

Learn what types of messages and images increase conversion, retention, and lifetime value.


Personalize any website or web page

Any page on your website can be personalized — whether it’s set up through ActiveCampaign or a different tool that you’re already using. So you get personalization extended right into the landing page and site management tools you love.


Show each visitor exactly what they want to see

Use the information you have in ActiveCampaign to show each visitor the most relevant content and products on your site. You can use any tag — whether it’s based on interest, sentiment, or engagement — to personalize text and images.


Boost store sales with smarter image placement

What’s the last thing each customer bought? What might they want next? Use each customer’s unique purchase history to create more opportunities to cross — and upsell by putting the right product and service images in front of the right visitors.


Show the right message at the right time

Stop creating multiple landing pages and hoping people land on the right ones. Send everyone to the same page and personalize — so that your message hits right on target every time.


ActiveCampaign gives you the tools you need to be successful today and in the future

Content tagging

Give visitor the content types they want by tagging preferences

See How

Personalized follow-up

Send a personalized follow-up after collecting a landing page lead

Learn More

Lead scoring

Add lead scoring points when a contact visits an important page

Get started

Personalization tips

What is Website Personalization? Ideas, Examples, Tools, & Strategy Guide

Get Started

CX Personalization

Unboxing Web Personalization: How Can You Create Customer Experiences That Convert?

See How

Improve CX

Introducing Web Personalization: Extend Relevant Customer Experiences to Your Website

Start Now

Free tools

Create incredible and engaging site content with this template

Check it out


Collect and create awesome testimonials with these templates

Try It

Order form

Create simple order forms with Google

Create Now

Ready to try it out?

Try it free. No credit card required. Instant set-up.