Apps and Integrations

Integrate Ticket Tailor with ActiveCampaign

Connect your Ticket Tailor box office to ActiveCampaign to ensure all your ticket buyers are automatically added to your mailing list or CRM

Capture ticket buyer data in one place

Capture the information your buyers enter when registering for tickets on Ticket Tailor: email, name, and phone number.

Automatically add opt-ins to your mailing list

Any time an order is created through Ticket Tailor, and the buyer opts to join a mailing list, then you can choose to add the contact automatically to a mailing list.

Tag contacts automatically

Make it easy to drill down into your buyer contacts by tagging automatically based on the event they've ordered tickets for – or set up custom rules to tag based on specific items they order from your box office.


  • Email: [email protected]
  • Live chat:
  • Features

    • Create new ActiveCampaign contacts automatically when your ticket buyers place orders.
    • Tag contacts based on the events, tickets, or products they order.
    • Automatically enrol marketing list opt-ins to a general email subscription, or custom lists per event.

    Try ActiveCampaign for free

    Instant set-up. No credit card required.

    Powerful workflows to sync your Ticket Tailor data

    Choose from a range of flexible set-and-forget workflows to send data from Ticket Tailor. Every time a buyer orders tickets, we'll automatically send their details to ActiveCampaign. You can choose if you also want to tag the contact, or add them to a mailing list.

    Bring your imagination to life with the ActiveCampaign API.

    Go to Developer Portal 

    Try ActiveCampaign for free

    Instant set-up. No credit card required.