Apps and Integrations

Integrate QuickEmailVerification with ActiveCampaign

Verify email addresses in real-time and ensure every address entering your ActiveCampaign list is checked for deliverability

Check every email address

Accurately and quickly validate every single email address people enter when they sign up for your service, newsletter, trial or inquiry form.

Build a healthy mailing list

With real-time email verification, you know the validity of every single email address that's entering your mailing list.

Benefit from our 99% accuracy

Trust QuickEmailVerification's 99% deliverability assurance to accurately and swiftly verify each address before it's added to your contact list.


  • Verify email addresses before they enter your mailing lis
  • Reduce hard bounces
  • Ensure your sender reputation is maintained
  • Keep your mailing list valid and deliverable
  • Leverage powerful automation for email validation
  • Benefit from our 99% accuracy
  • Maintain your list hygiene at all times

Try ActiveCampaign for free

Instant set-up. No credit card required.

Instantly know if the email address entered is valid

Use real-time email verification to instantly and accurately verify if the email address submitted in your sign up form is valid and deliverable. After the verification process, the email address of the contact in your mailing list will be marked appropriately. Build a strong mailing list that helps your business grow, not a dumping ground of undeliverable addresses that takes you nowhere.

Recommended Recipes

Pre-built automations you can use with your integration

Bring your imagination to life with the ActiveCampaign API.

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Try ActiveCampaign for free

Instant set-up. No credit card required.