Apps and Integrations

Integrate Newsletter Glue with ActiveCampaign

Publish newsletters directly in WordPress using the block editor. No more cross-posting

Build, Collect, Publish

  • Build newsletter templates using Wordpress' editor and the Newsletter Glue plugin.
  • Collect email addresses with our subscriber forms.
  • Publish newsletters to specific segments/tags that are already set up in ActiveCampaign

Build and send newsletters in WordPress

  • Publish newsletters the same way you write blog posts, in the block editor.
  • You and your team can work together easily in WordPress.
  • Get the extensibility and power of WordPress for your newsletters.
  • Customers say this way of working saves them an hour (or more) per newsletter published.

Beautiful, easy-to-build templates

  • Create unlimited newsletter pattern templates in the block editor. You can edit our default templates or create your own from scratch.
  • It's easy to create modern, clean and beautiful templates.
  • You can easily add metadata, subscriber forms, containers and more with our custom newsletter blocks.
  • All email code has been heavily tested, lightweight and optimised across all major email clients.

No more tedious cross-posting

  • Any newsletter that's published in WordPress is also a blog post or custom post type.
  • No copy and paste necessary.
  • This means your newsletter archive lives on your own site, benefits from SEO, and is easy to share and discover by site visitors.


  • Email: [email protected]
  • Features

    • Newsrooms use us for speed, flexibility and high volume publishing.
    • WordPress' multiple user roles allow for authors and editors to easily collaborate for each newsletter.
    • Editors are able to create multiple newsletter templates for a variety of newsletters and quickly train writers to use them.
    • Paid newsletter writers use us to turn their WordPress site into a one-stop professional media publishing platform.
    • Combined with their membership plugin of choice, they're able to send newsletters to paid subscribers, restrict views to their newsletter archive and more.
    • Small, medium businesses are able to quickly repurpose blog posts and send them out as newsletters. This gives them twice the distribution for half the work. An important benefit for businesses without a large marketing team.
    • Professional podcasters are able to publish new podcast episodes on WordPress and simultaneously send out new episode notifications to their mailing list. Helping podcasters with a multi-channel distribution strategy.
    • Curated newsletters can be built in seconds. Add a list of links and our post embed block feature automatically pulls the headline, description and featured image. And add it into a well-formatted, customisable table.

    Try ActiveCampaign for free

    Instant set-up. No credit card required.

    Create and send highly optimised email newsletters in the WordPress editor.

    Publishing newsletters can be as easily as publishing blog posts – Create a new post, add a pattern template, and write your newsletter. You can use our custom blocks to add metadata, insert subscriber forms or create curated list of links. When you're ready, simply toggle on "Send as newsletter" and publish your post. Your newsletter will be published on your site and sent to your subscribers.

    Bring your imagination to life with the ActiveCampaign API.

    Go to Developer Portal 

    Try ActiveCampaign for free

    Instant set-up. No credit card required.