Apps and Integrations
Apps and Integrations Analytics & Reporting Looker Studio Connector by Find My Insight

Integrate Looker Studio Connector by Find My Insight with ActiveCampaign

Create custom dashboards in minutes with Looker Studio

Create your own custom Dashboards for ActiveCampaign with Looker Studio that you can easily share with clients, employees and stakeholders alike. Create dashboards that make sense to your audience and lets them immediately understand what is happening with your Email marketing and sales CRM.

Using Looker Studio create dashboards that

  • Instantly load multiple key metrics and display trends
  • Require zero maintenance
  • Always up to date.
  • Easy to share
  • Easy to schedule
  • Campaign & Content Link Reporting

    When you send out your campaigns it's always good to know how your leads and customers respond to them. With digital privacy, open rates are harder to track, but there are still lots of key campaign metrics that matter. With Looker Dashboards you can track all your campaign and content metrics helping you understand what content your contacts are clicking on. With this insight, you can start to trace the user's journey and customise more targeted content. Driving engagement and ultimately increasing sales.

    Contact Reporting

    It can be overwhelming trying to make sense of all your marketing efforts inside of ActiveCampaign. Keeping the report window open in your browser is hard and difficult to understand more the one key metric.. With a Looker Dashboard, you can display multiple charts and metrics on a single Dashboard and easily provide a full summary overview of your contacts and those custom fields that you use to track demographics and behaviour. With the Find My Insight connector take all your reporting and metrics out of ActiveCampaign and into Looker Studio where you can understand your data, find the actionable insight and make data-driven decisions.

    CRM and Deals Reporting

    If you are subscribed to Sales CRM for ActiveCampaign, now you can create dashboards for the following features of your Sales CRM.

  • Deals
  • Pipelines
  • Deal Stages
  • Deal Custom Fields
  • Secondary deal Contacts
  • Tasks
  • Share Dashboards with your Sales teams for tracking deals, follow up calls or outstanding lead tasks. Create dashboards for each pipeline, sales team or sales regions with reports instantly tell you how your pipelines are performing and let you and your team easily identify opportunities for improvement or deals ready to close.

    With Looker Studio, you can have key performance metrics from multiple features and custom configurations on your ActiveCampaign Account in a single view. Streamline your business-critical insight into one place for easy viewing. Provide actionable insight and start making data-driven decisions.

    Why wait any longer? You pay just a small monthly fee to get all these benefits, and you are up and running with minimal effort and in just a few clicks.

  • Become a data-driven business
  • Make decisions based on data, not gut feel
  • Automate processes and save valuable time
  • Features

    • Develop detailed Dashboards utilising all of your custom fields.
    • Develop single page dashboards that allow let you track performance across multiple features such as lists or tags.
    • Understand your account set up with Dashboards showing you all of your account configurations

    Try ActiveCampaign for free

    Instant set-up. No credit card required.

    Bespoke Dashboards from Find My Insight

    Build enriched Dashboards from all of your custom fields to allow you to make better data decisions about the performance of your marketing automations. With the Find My Insight Data Studio Connector you can easily join data from multiple features putting them onto a single dashboard with metrics from other cloud systems. Now you can truly make data driven decisions in your business.

    Bring your imagination to life with the ActiveCampaign API.

    Go to Developer Portal 

    Try ActiveCampaign for free

    Instant set-up. No credit card required.