Apps and Integrations
Apps and Integrations Support Facebook Messenger

Integrate Facebook Messenger with ActiveCampaign

Connect Facebook Messenger to your ActiveCampaign Conversations account to address customer questions and provide an excellent support experience across channels

Engage with customers in an efficient, automated way.

Chatbot automations save time by vetting incoming leads and identifying questions and pain points right away, while agent assignments and the Facebook Messenger connection support team productivity.

Combine advanced automation with live chat capabilities.

Adding customer service touchpoints to the entirety of your customer's lifecycle with your business provides a better, more rounded experience, and providing an environment that adds value at every interaction can turn customers into advocates for your brand.

Utilize context from previous interactions and give visitors the experience they expect.

Customers expect to be treated like humans when engaging with a business online. Using past information will help provide the proactive and efficient support they desire. Each agent has a complete customer profile while interacting with a visitor, ensuring they have the full history and can better understand the visitor's needs.

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Provide the best possible service experience, across any channel.

Facebook Messenger can now be integrated with the ActiveCampaign Conversations tool as an additional channel for customer chat communications. Customers write reach out from the business’s Facebook page(s), then a live agent can respond directly from ActiveCampaign. All customer chats are routed to the unified inbox in Conversations so agents can respond in an efficient manner on the channel the customer prefers.

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