Apps and Integrations

Integrate Emailpref with ActiveCampaign

Create a preference page for emails in seconds

Simplified List Management

Create a preference page and integrate it with ActiveCampaign to provide your users with a clear view of their email subscriptions. With this feature, users can effortlessly identify the emails they are subscribed to and those they are not, streamlining their email preferences and enhancing their experience

Unified Subscriber Management

Simplify subscriber management across ActiveCampaign and other ESPs with a unified preference page. Subscribers can conveniently update their preferences for multiple ESPs in one place, ensuring your subscriber data is always accurate and synchronized.

Elevate Brand Consistency

You can enhance brand consistency by customizing your preference pages. Upload your logo and favicon to create a branded experience that aligns with your company's identity.


  • Create and customize multiple preference pages in Emailpref, each with unique settings and paths, catering to different subscriber segments.
  • Seamlessly link Emailpref lists with tags in ActiveCampaign, enabling automatic list and tag updates when users subscribe or unsubscribe, ensuring data consistency.
  • Utilize the "Allow New Users" toggle to control access to the preference page. Toggle on to let new users input their email and create a contact in ActiveCampaign with the default subscriber state.
  • Empower subscribers to effortlessly manage their email preferences, reducing the likelihood of unsubscribes and enhancing engagement.
  • Streamline list management by automating list-subscription changes. When users modify their preferences, Emailpref keeps ActiveCampaign lists and tags in sync for accurate and up-to-date data.

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